Monday, April 4, 2011


We are just 60 days away fro the Caribbean Princess cruise and for me, it can't come quick enough. There is no sign of spring here on Long Island. A few weeks back there was a teaser of spring for two days but the weather quickly reverted back to what I call "THE DOLDRUMS OF MARCH." It always was the worst month of the year to me. However, I must state that my sweetie Carol's birthday is in March but her date is almost April so that doesn't really count as
Before we get to the cruise in June, we will be taking a little trip to Florida to see Carol's Mom. With that of course we will get a dose of much warmer weather, which will make me more annoyed when I get back to Long Island in mid May and still have lousy weather. Typically the weather thru May is so up and down. We used to plan on opening the pool for Memorial Day every year. ( pool is gone now) Some years it hardly seems worth doing because the weather was so poor. What it will be this year remains to be seen.


The Princess boards for our cruise date on cruise critic is a busy one. There is a very large meet and greet planned and more people are joining in daily it seems. There are of course the thread regulars and we've met a bunch of friendly people so far. Tim, as it turns out, is also an avid movie maker. He has posted a trailer for our cruise on the thread. He did a great job and I look at it often as a pick me upper. GOOD JOB TIM. ( I think he's already working on a sequel.......don't say I told you ....LOL )
That's about it for April 4, 2011.