Monday, August 6, 2012

Time to start the planning process

       As always, planning a cruise starts way early when you are trying to get a group of people together. This is no easy task. Most of our original members have gotten into their own time frames that work for them. I can't say I blame do what works for you.
      Some don't like the Easter/ Passover or Spring breaks for the obvious reason of kids, kids, kids...... and more kids onboard. Some want the off season to take advantage of pricing. And others have their regular lives to deal with first. Some with younger children yet, or college to pay for..... money .... never enough is there? 
    Our first two Mixed Nutz cruises were probably an unusual happening because it was a re-ununion that everyone was able to attend.  Now.... we get a few originals and create more NUTZ with each cruise..... which is of course, a good thing.  Someday it would be nice to assemble EVERYONE  for one big blast of a time.

      So....... here we are at stage 1 of the process. It begins with a where....... and a when.
