Thursday, May 30, 2013


It is done! The movie "2012" from Last years Allure cruise is now done!  It is almost one hour long. 

I am mailing them out shortly to: Pamela

If anyone else from the Mixed Nutz ( past or present) wants a copy, e mail me your mailing address.  The cost is $0.00


The Allure cruise is complete!

What a difference when the sun shines. This time we had sun every day like normal. ( a short shower is acceptable in the caribbean)  But our normal has been sun ....sun....sun....and that's what we had this past April.

We were onboard with two old friends and two couples we just met for this cruise. ( friends of our friends)  It all went well for the seven nights aboard the Allure.

We dined in Chops and Giovanni's Table and both venues were EXCELLENT!

No complaints about anything. A great cruise!.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

2002...2004...2006...2008...2010... 2012 and next..

Time to plan the next MIXED NUTZ CRUISE

Send your ideas in now.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I am cruising on the Allure in a few weeks and.......... I'm not bringing a single solitary camera with me.
This is a first.
Well..... maybe one little itsy bitsy
The movie is half completed!

Progress being made daily. I'm hoping to be done before we leave for ALLURE on April 20. 
My target was for a thirty minute film but I may have to expand slightly to get in everything I planned. I hate to lose footage to the editor, but he'll cut the fat out to keep it as close to thirty minutes as possible.
If you were on this cruise, thirty minutes will fly by. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

It's coming soon!

Finally the movie 2012 in underway. I would like to get this movie done before we get on Allure on April 21. But no promises. Providing I run into no problems during production.... It will get done. Awhile ago I set the outline on paper and selected the soundtracks so its just a matter of physically getting it done. Soon. I'm anxious to get it done. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


The cruise Critic group is starting to come together and soon plans will be made for our own private sailaway party. The official Meet & mingle has now reached the required minimum and I'm certain will only grow larger in these remaining months.

Historically, the official Meet & Mingle never lives up to what it could be, or maybe should be and for one good reason....... the time that got selected by the cruise staff. 
When you are on a sea day and you secured yourself an ideal place exactly where you want to be, I for one, don't want to abandon my spot at 11 am because thats when they picked the time. Or another bad time was on Formal night and having the M&M at 5pm. So there we were, coming from the pool deck in bathing suits and cover ups while some are there dressed for dinner because early dinner would be right afterwards. Hence the groups private sail away was born. It is always on DAY 1 and right after the muster drill. Everyone gets to meet face to face on DAY 1. It doesn't have to be very long. Sometimes we met before muster...and afterwards.
Meeting the cruise critic friends right away is the very best way. There will be people you meet who are like your oldest friends in minutes and why waste a day or two before the official M&M.

The Mixed Nutz meet the day before and have a dinner. Some of course, are returning members and instead of just meeting them, you are greeting old friends. We started that officially in 2003. I'm hopeful for our next Mixed Nutz cruise we will have a number of "original " members cruising with us again. We understand how difficult it is to organize something that has to fit into so many people's life and lifestyle. But somehow, the allure of cruising seems to make it happen. This year as it turns out , will not have a Mixed Nutz cruise but plans are being made for 2014. Remember, the Mixed Nutz is open to everyone. 
If you are interested in cruising with us either now or next year, e mail us at

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Having had some good experiences on Princess Cruises  we just booked another cruise on the new ROYAL PRINCESS  for November 3, 2013 which will be the Royals first seven night cruise in the Caribbean. The inaugural American departure cruise is a five nighter. I really would have loved to be on the inaugural cruise of Royal Princess in Europe this summer but that is not to be.

At this time, planning for the MIXED NUTZ cruise for 2014 is underway.

Send your ideas to us at

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cruising again on Allure
( but without the Mixed Nutz this time)

Going on the Allure on April 21, 2013 

Hoping to have a less rainy experience this

The ship is awesome and is an adventure unto itself.